Joe Peicott is a Los Angeles entertainment attorney representing a diverse range of talented clients.

From up-and-coming Talent… to the biggest media company in the world.

Current Openings

  • New York

    Art Director

  • San Francisco

    Senior Designer


  • 01.

    Work from home

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit mauris a turpis pellentes biben dum magna ut congue ipsum

  • 02.

    30 day vacation

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit mauris a turpis pellentes biben dum magna ut congue ipsum

  • 03.

    Inspirational environment

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit mauris a turpis pellentes biben dum magna ut congue ipsum

  • Missives by Joe Peicott.

    A selection of essays, reviews and other musings. Focusing largely on law and the entertainment industry.